This is interactive version of the Levenson Self-Report Psychopathy Scale, a test of sociopathy.

Psychopathy is a personality disorder characterized by a lack of empathy for others. The LSRP was developed in 1995 for use in psychological research. It measures on two scales: primary psychopathy (psychopathic emotional affect) and secondary psychopathy (psychopathic lifestyle).

The test consists of twenty six statements that could possibly apply to you. You must rate each on how much you agree with it on a scale of (1) strongly disagree (2) disagree (3) neither agree nor disagree (4) agree (5) strongly agree. Most people will will complete the test in five minutes or so.

This test is offered only for educational use. It is not a diagnostic tool or psychological advice of any kind. Additionally, survey responses on this implementation may be recorded for research purposes.

Other personality tests.

  • Levenson, M.; Kiehl, K.; Fitzpatrick, C. (1995). "Assessing psychopathic attributes in a noninstitutionalized population". Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 68, 151-158.