This is an interactive version of the Generic Conspiracist Beliefs Scale.

Introduction: The GCBS was created for use in researching conspiracy theories. Research had typically measures beliefs in conspiracies by asking questions about specific conspiracy theories. The GCBS attempts to correct problems with this approach by asking broad questions about assumption that are presumed to underlie such beliefs. The GCBS measures an overall score and five facet scores. The scale was developed by Robert Brotherton, Christopher C. French and Alan D. Pickering of Goldsmiths University of London in 2013.

Procedure: The GCBS has 15 questions. In each questions you must rate how much you agree with a given statement on a five point scale where 1=Disagree, 3=Neutral and 5=Agree.

Participation: This interactive is offered for educational use only. It is not to be used as diagnostic or screening tool. Data collected at this location with by anonymously saved and may be used for research or otherwise distributed.

  • Brotherton, Robert, Christopher C. French, and Alan D. Pickering. "Measuring belief in conspiracy theories: the generic conspiracist beliefs scale." Frontiers in psychology 4 (2013).